Sunday, July 11, 2010

Calm Stress With Meditation

If you can't keep up with the pace of your life and you feel like you are running to stand still, then perhaps you need to unwind. Meditation is a fantastic way to calm stress and feel wonderfully calm and energised. When you meditate regularly, it not only helps you to release tension from your body but has many benefits in terms of your health, happiness and well-being.

At its simplest, when you meditate you try to relax the body as much as possible and free the mind from its continuous stream of thoughts by not paying attention to them. This can be difficult for beginners but it is worth persevering. Just 5 minutes a day can start to show benefits.

Unfortunately, most of the time, we generally have so much activity going on in our minds, that they are rarely still, and for most people much of this babble is negative and self-defeating. If you can free your mind from its constant chatter, you can experience a profound sense of peace and tranquility and start to get to know your inner being, that internal connection with the "oneness" of the universe.

As you meditate, your thoughts start to reduce and your brain waves become slower. This leads to beneficial chemicals being released by the brain which help to restore your body and mind to a state of balance. The body is able to work to repair itself and the mind becomes clearer and more focused.

When this happens regularly, more positive patterns are induced in the brain. Over time these become a chemical habit in the brain and you start to gain greater control your emotions and physical and mental state. A regular meditation generally develops a more positive view of life and more compassion and understanding for others. What better way could there be to overcome stress, become a happier person and gain profound realizations about life?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

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Improving Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence through Numerology

  When one obtains accurate information and confirmations, one makes better choices in life-better choices in life increase one's self-esteem and self-confidence, and empower your overall quality of living. Self-knowledge is therefore the key to empower your success and your freedom. Your journey starts with taking the first step-the desire to bring about change and letting go of fear. Many people are at the crossroads of life or going through transitions in any of the following areas of their lives:

* Yourself - issues of low self-esteem or needing to increase self-confidence

* Family - family feuds, family support in times of crisis or loss

* Relationships - love relationships, relationship questions

* Career - career change, career goals, career choices

* Finances - personal finance, business finance

* Health - mental health, physical health problems

If you identify with any of these challenges, you may want to investigate how Chaldean Numerology-the best kept secret since 4004 BCE (before common era)-can impact your life by giving you a detailed plan, blueprint or "Owners" Manual, so to speak, for the design and experiences of your life.

Numerology, the science of numbers, is based on precise, proven mathematical formulas that calculate the value of your name and birthdates to tell a story about your life. Numerology charts and readings are valuable tools that show you answer to your questions at a deeper level, and help you gain insight into various aspects of your life. Numerology is like a mirror that reflects your life's journey in the form of numbers and is a powerful resource and self-improvement, personal development tool.

The science of numbers plays an integral and private role in our lives, providing valuable in-depth information from our name and birthdates, including revealing our destiny, innermost desires, personality, purpose, life goal, and personal growth areas (strengths and weaknesses), compatibility with others, and so much more!

A spiritual master plan lies hidden and interwoven into "every" name and birthdates assigned at birth in the form of a blueprint. Only Numerology can identify and decipher "your" code, unique only to you. When you intellectually understand what your blueprint reveals, you will learn what characteristics are aggressive or not, whether they work well together or not, and what your behavior patterns are. For most people, this type of information sounds like a foreign language but in reality will literally set the stage for you to take control of your life by making wiser choices once you understand yourself and how you are wired.

Knowledge is power. The results of Chaldean Numerology create a powerful bridge that will take you beyond the information received and beyond the interpretation of the numbers in your blueprint to the activation of a process of self-awareness and self-healing, which includes self-acceptance and self-advocacy.

Following are two examples of true stories of how Chaldean Numerology was used to provide valuable insight into the decision-making process.

Single Man Researches Two Dating Prospects for Marriage

A CEO dating two eligible candidates for marriage wanted to eliminate one candidate; however, both women seemed similar in nature and he wanted to make sure he chose the right woman. We generated two sets of Numerology charts/blueprints and then we compared each woman's chart to his. Both women had similar characteristics but one clearly had a more dominant personality than the other. Dominant was not a good thing in this case because the woman was stubborn and opinionated which in time would clash with her partner's personality, especially after starting a family. This information provided him with a very logical way of making his decision based on thorough information presented to him on both women and doing a character analysis on each, then comparing their charts to his for compatibility. The decision about which woman to marry was an easy one for him to make, once he saw the analysis, which empowered him, knowing he made the right choice.

Woman Tired of Husband Who Could Not Make Decisions

A client wanted to end her long-term marriage because she grew tired of making all of the couple's decisions. During the time they were married, she tried to force her husband into making decisions but she never could. My recommendation was to generate both their charts/blueprints so we could get a better understanding of how each was "designed" and to see what each others strengths and weaknesses are. What we discovered was she had strong leadership and power numbers and was ambitious. He on the other hand had no leadership qualities but he did have the lover numbers and was a good provider but clearly, he was not designed to take a leadership role. I told my client she could upgrade and divorce her husband but she would run the risk of her new partner not being as good of a lover as her husband, in addition to him possibly becoming too controlling, causing conflict between the two. After accepting the fact that her husband will never be a leader or aggressive and understanding why, she decided that having a great lover was better than risking the other outcome. She benefited from having a new sense of empowerment over serious matters in her life, and she felt self-confident she was making the right decision for both of them. Having this new power to make decisions increased her overall sense of self-esteem, which she brought back into the relationship.

It's always advisable to have a reading or consultation in addition to the chart to make sure you fully understand the impact from your blueprint. Numerology charts are accurate, powerful roadmaps that can guide you through transitional periods in your life and show you the bigger picture: past, current, and future, in order for you to make better decisions about your life. If you are looking for insight, clarity and acceptance, Chaldean Numerology is the perfect self-help tool on the market today.
Joanne Justis.

Monday, June 14, 2010

How to Build Traffic to your site

      Traffic building is a very essential part of Internet marketing strategy. This is because if your website can attract a maximum number of people, then the probability of people buying from you will also increase. However, not only is it about attracting traffic to your website, but also about retaining the traffic. List    building and social bookmarking sites can help you a lot in this matter.
  If you find all this very confusing, this guideline can help you in the process of traffic building:
    Search Engine Optimization
Search engines are a very good way of niche traffic building, as they will ensure that your targeted customer base visits your website. This is because the people who are visiting you through the search engines will do so depending on the search results generated by the keywords related to your business.
You can use Yahoo Keyword Selector Tool or Google Keyword Tool to find out the relevant search words with high traffic. You can also take the help of the professional search engine optimizing firms, who will help you with the content and other technical aspects of SEO.
          High Quality Content
One foolproof way of traffic building is to ensure high quality content for your blogs and websites. This is because a person reading your website will only come back to it if he finds your web content interesting, friendly, and informative. You might post additional tips and information about your domain area in your blogs and websites, as this is a good way to ensure repeat visitors who might also consider buying from you in the near future.
    Long-Term Internet Marketing Strategy
You cannot hope for instant traffic building because the process will take some time. You need to implement a foolproof online marketing strategy, which will ensure maximum online visibility for your business. For this, you should be very consistent and persistent with your blog posts, update your website regularly, participate in social networking sites, communicate with your opt-in list frequently, thereby making yourself visible and available.
     Traffic building requires a lot of effort on your part, but you can hire a professional agency to take care of these issues if you think the entire work is difficult to handle on your own. For a small business owner, traffic building has great potential as many of them cannot afford expensive advertisements and press releases.
  In case your website is search engine optimized, it will help you in traffic building to an extent. But your business should not sit idle in the form of a website, and you need to generate more dynamic and fresh content to attract the attention of your customers. If you can do that, your business will definitely flourish to a great extent.
 You can order for a free ebook on this topic;

Monday, June 7, 2010

Affordable Real Estate Tips to Think Beforehand

Affordable real estate tips include a number of things you can do to get the best deal if you are a buyer or a seller. There are many ideas for buyers, sellers and people with mortgages and you also have some things to think about before you take your next step. Affordable real estate tips are not hard to find and are certainly worth it. Here are some things to consider.

      If you are looking to buy a house and given that we are living in turbulent financial times, the one thing to really think of is if you want a new house or a used one. A new house costs more than a used one. This is true. However, a new house has the advantage of being ready. There is no need for repairs and maintenance. The cost for you is limited to the cost of the house. A used house could cost less but you will certainly have to pay extra for repairs or things that you don't like and are going to change. One must affordable real estate tip is to make an inspection to every room and calculate the extra amount of money you will need. Then add it to the price. Check if it would be better to get a new house from the start.

If you are trying to sell your house, there are a few affordable real estate tips you can follow that can benefit anyone. The first thing is to de-clutter it. Having a house that shows that it can't hold the owner's stuff is not good for the potential buyer. Make your house look tidy and as if it can provide a nice, cosy clean atmosphere. Another thing you can do is to fix things that are easy for you to fix. This means that if you have a licking faucet and you know it is not a bigger problem, you should fix it instantly. A buyer might think that there is a bigger problem in the pipes and be reluctant to buy it. Fix everything that you can. The buyer will want to inspect the house and if there are a lot of things that need fixing will be reluctant to buy it.

        Lastly, there are a few things to consider for your mortgage. First of all, make sure you have a financial plan. This will help you in being certain you can pay the mortgage at all circumstances. Calculate an amount of money that you can afford for your house. Then calculate all extra costs. This is very important as many people don't add costs correctly and they end up having much bigger expenses from what they initially thought. Don't add amounts of money you are expecting to get as they may never come. After doing that, you have a limited but safe plan on how much you can spend. Adjust your monthly payments according to that amount. This way you will be sure that you can enjoy your new house.

Positive Attitude For Better Marketing

      Aside from your marketing tools such as your business card printing in your arsenal, one of the keys to better sales is attitude. Yes, you heard it right - attitude. It is something that every salesperson adopts to make better their attitude, to eventually help make a sale.
       That's exactly it. Attitude breeds attitude; hence, if you want to have a better attitude coming out of your target clients and customers, you have to lead them to it. Your attitude would be the key to having your target clients think highly of you and your business.
     And having a positive attitude breeds good words. These words then would be the ones you will be using to gather all the sales that your positive words would be encouraging from your marketing collaterals, be it color business card printing or print bookmarks.
      The positive language that was bred from your positive attitude is very powerful indeed. When used effectively, people can sell anything with the words.
     The challenge now is to maintain a positive attitude even with bleak circumstances. But what's new? As a person in business, you know for a fact that sales have always been difficult. Even in good times, getting and keeping up a positive attitude takes a lot of effort. There are always risks and challenges to overcome that selling is not an easy task. But having a positive attitude will serve you well during your endless days of selling your business to your clients and prospects.
    So what is a positive attitude? It is simply getting past that of the difficulties. That despite the hardships, you always know that there is a silver lining, a ray of light, and a rainbow after the storm. There is always something better that can happen out of the bad.
    As a business owner, it is important to see the silver lining. The positive attitude will help you push through and find ways to steer what seems to be a very difficult sale to your desired result. By looking at the current situation and then steering your effort to make a sale despite all the challenges and hardships - that is the mark of a successful business that grows over time.
    So absorb as well as exude all the positive attitude throughout your entire business life, most especially in your marketing efforts. By being positive about your situation despite everybody telling you otherwise, can make you more progressive and developed with sales that earn you so much profits to grow your business.
  For comments and inquiries about the article visit Business Card Printing and Color Business Card Printing. Charen Smith writes articles about Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Mobile phones tumour risk to young children

CHILDREN under the age of eight should not use mobile phones, parents were advised last night after an authoritative report linked heavy use to ear and brain tumours and concluded that the risks had been underestimated by most scientists. Professor Sir William Stewart, chairman of the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB), said that evidence of potentially harmful effects had become more persuasive over the past five years.
The news prompted calls for phones to carry health warnings and panic in parts of the industry. One British manufacturer immediately suspended a model aimed at four to eight-year-olds.
The number of mobiles in Britain has doubled to 50 million since the first government-sponsored report in 2000. The number of children aged between five and nine using mobiles has increased fivefold in the same period.
In his report, Mobile Phones and Health, Sir William said that four studies have caused concern. One ten-year study in Sweden suggests that heavy mobile users are more prone to non-malignant tumours in the ear and brain while a Dutch study had suggested changes in cognitive function. A German study has hinted at an increase in cancer around base stations, while a project supported by the EU had shown evidence of cell damage from fields typical of those of mobile phones
“All of these studies have yet to be replicated and are of varying quality but we can’t dismiss them out of hand,” Sir William said. If there was a health risk — which remained unproven — it would have a greater effect on the young than on older people, he added.
For children aged between 8 and 14, parents had to make their own judgments about the risks and benefits. “I can’t believe that for three to eight year-olds they can be readily justified,” he said.
David Hart, general secretary of the National Association of Headteachers, called last night for a ban on mobiles in schools.
Mobile phone companies reacted furiously, saying that the report fanned public concern without presenting new research. The youth market is highly lucrative because teenagers are more likely to use video downloads and other services.
The World Health Organisation is preparing to publish an international report, drawing on hundreds of studies conducted over a decade, which many hope will give a definitive judgment on mobile phone safety.
The board’s report says that while there is a lack of hard information of damage to health, the approach should be precautionary. Sir William said: “Just because there are 50 million of them out there doesn’t mean they are absolutely safe.”
One school in the North East has begun using mobile scanners to prevent pupils using mobiles in class. “Outside college hours it is up to parents, but in our care if mobiles are found on children, they are confiscated and returned to the parents,” David Riden, vice principal of Tollbar Business and Enterprise College in New Waltham, said.
One group that appears to target young users is Richard Branson’s Virgin Mobile, which derives much of its revenue from the 16s-35s market. It denies targeting under 16s but has cornered a large slice of the youth market with cheap voice and text messages.